CCIR Open Centerfire Handgun Match
This series of 4 centerfire handgun matches is open to any manufacturer. There will be 3 classes: Iron Sights, Optic Sights, and Pocket Gun. Iron & Optic minimum 10 round capacity Pocket gun must fit in the pocket gun go box (Glock 43 fits) Entry fee is $20 for the first class, $15 for each additional class you shoot. Shoot in 3 of the 4 to be eligible for a free gun. Prizes for top shooters given at the conclusion of the series. Dates: Saturday, May 18, 9a-11p Tuesday, June 18, 5p-7p Thursday, July 18, 5p-7p Sunday, August 18, 2p-4p No registration necessary, just come on in for some fun!