Survival (for Women) Class
10:00 AM10:00

Survival (for Women) Class

One of our Most Popular Classes!

Topics include Street Smarts, Situational Awareness, Confrontation Considerations and Reactions, and basic firearms training.

The class ends with time in the range to practice the firearms techniques you've learned. Student should bring pen and paper for notes, one UNLOADED handgun (if you have one - if not, rentals are available) and 50 rounds of ammunition. Low cut shirts and open toed shoes are not advised on the range.

First time range customers will be required to sign a Range Waiver either online at or in the store before class.

Please arrive 10-15 minutes before class time.

Cost: $50

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Women's Self Defense
6:00 PM18:00

Women's Self Defense

This martial arts-based class provides the basics of practical and effective self-defense and situational awareness for everyday situations. We will include responses to various types of attacks covering the spectrum from verbal, to grabs, chokes, punches and weapons. These responses include hands-on training teaching lifesaving methods, techniques, and most importantly - mindset.

Students will not be involved in any fighting, grappling or wrestling on the floor. No previous training is required. This class is open to females ages 14 and over. (An adult must be present with minors).

Cost: $40.00

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Concealed Carry Defensive Handgun-2 day class. Both nights start at 6:00 p.m.
to Mar 20

Concealed Carry Defensive Handgun-2 day class. Both nights start at 6:00 p.m.

  • Cypress Creek Indoor Range (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Choosing to carry a firearm for self-defense requires a certain mindset and a particular set of skills. Training is beneficial and, quite frankly, should be required before choosing to carry any kind of defensive tool, not just a gun! Carrying a firearm concealed without proper training can be exceedingly risky. Most concealed carry permit holders have not even thought about the legal or ethical responsibilities that come with carrying a firearm.


These are just some of the reasons to attend this advanced class. Concealed Carry Defensive Handgun is an ADVANCED class and NOT open for beginners. The class will have a VERY LIMITED roster and only to those that have shown themselves to be competent with a handgun. Practice is a must!


Must have Basic Handgun training before signing up.

• One on One Lesson

• Basic Handgun Class-such as S.N.A.P. or Handgun Marksmanship

• Survival For Women

Even then, it will be left to the instructors’ discretion for students to attend. Due to the nature of the content, CCIR must KNOW that you can handle your firearm safely and effectively.


• Focus on learning the correct and proper technique of drawing from holster safely, smoothly and effectively. Being able to draw your firearm efficiently and quickly could be the difference between life and death.

• When and IF it is necessary to use deadly force

• How to de-escalate a dangerous situation.

• Choosing the right holster for you.

• Incorporating movement and shooting skills

• Developing “muscle memory”


• A reliable firearm that YOU can conceal

• Ear Protection

• Eye Protection

• 100 rounds of Ammo

This is a 2 night class and will start promptly each night at 6:00 p.m.

Cost: $100.00 for both nights

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Survival (for Women) Class
10:00 AM10:00

Survival (for Women) Class

One of our Most Popular Classes!

Topics include Street Smarts, Situational Awareness, Confrontation Considerations and Reactions, and basic firearms training.

The class ends with time in the range to practice the firearms techniques you've learned. Student should bring pen and paper for notes, one UNLOADED handgun (if you have one - if not, rentals are available) and 50 rounds of ammunition. Low cut shirts and open toed shoes are not advised on the range.

First time range customers will be required to sign a Range Waiver either online at or in the store before class.

Please arrive 10-15 minutes before class time.

Cost: $50

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SNAP!  Starting NEW At Pistols
6:00 PM18:00

SNAP! Starting NEW At Pistols

S.N.A.P., Starting New AT Pistols, is the perfect first step for ANYONE wanting to enter the world of firearms. Our expert, patient and relatable instructors have, at one time, been right where you are…….the beginning. We prioritize safety above all else! With thorough instruction of firearm safety, we want to instill the importance of responsible firearm ownership. With our state-of-the-art facilities and a supportive learning environment, you’ll quickly gain the confidence and competence to handle a pistol effectively and safely.

We start with classroom instruction then spend time on the range putting into practice what was learned in class.

Cost: $50.00

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Precision Rifle with Tom
5:00 PM17:00

Precision Rifle with Tom

Precision Rifle will introduce students to equipment and techniques of shooting centerfire rifles with precision and accuracy. Topics include firearm safety, shooting positions, breathing, sight picture, trigger control and recoil management. Students will spend time in the classroom and in the range. This class is open to the public.
Required equipment: centerfire rifle (up to .308 caliber), 50 rounds of ammunition, scope. If you have a shooting mat, you may want to bring it as well. You will be firing prone. Please have your rifle/scope already zeroed in.

Optional/Suggested Equipment: Bipod and Rear shooting Bag

About our intructor, Tom: He has represented the U.S. in international competitions in 1988, 1996 and 2015 earning bronze, silver and gold medals respectively. Tom was a firing member of the victorious U.S. Creedmoor Team at the competition held in Ireland. He is classified as a High Master with the National Rifle Association. A graduate of Coffee High School, Tom is originally from Center Star, and is married to the former Marilyn Gatlin of Florence.

Cost: $100.00

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Survival (for Women) Class
10:00 AM10:00

Survival (for Women) Class

Topics include Street Smarts, Situational Awareness, Confrontation Considerations and Reactions, and basic firearms training.

The class ends with time in the range to practice the firearms techniques you've learned. Student should bring pen and paper for notes, one UNLOADED handgun (if you have one - if not, rentals are available) and 50 rounds of ammunition. Low cut shirts and open toed shoes are not advised on the range.

First time range customers will be required to sign a Range Waiver either online at or in the store before class.

Please arrive 10-15 minutes before class time.

Cost: $50

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SNAP!  Starting NEW At Pistols
6:00 PM18:00

SNAP! Starting NEW At Pistols

S.N.A.P., Starting New AT Pistols, is the perfect first step for ANYONE wanting to enter the world of firearms. Our expert, patient and relatable instructors have, at one time, been right where you are…….the beginning. We prioritize safety above all else! With thorough instruction of firearm safety, we want to instill the importance of responsible firearm ownership. With our state-of-the-art facilities and a supportive learning environment, you’ll quickly gain the confidence and competence to handle a pistol effectively and safely.

We start with classroom instruction then spend time on the range putting into practice what was learned in class.

Cost: $50.00

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SNAP!  Starting NEW At Pistols
6:00 PM18:00

SNAP! Starting NEW At Pistols

S.N.A.P., Starting New AT Pistols, is the perfect first step for ANYONE wanting to enter the world of firearms. Our expert, patient and relatable instructors have, at one time, been right where you are…….the beginning. We prioritize safety above all else! With thorough instruction of firearm safety, we want to instill the importance of responsible firearm ownership. With our state-of-the-art facilities and a supportive learning environment, you’ll quickly gain the confidence and competence to handle a pistol effectively and safely.

We start with classroom instruction then spend time on the range putting into practice what was learned in class.

Cost: $50.00

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Kids, Parents and Guns in the Home
2:00 PM14:00

Kids, Parents and Guns in the Home

This class will start your child’s introduction into responsible gun ownership. As Gun Owners, our children need to learn guns are NOT toys.

As Responsible Gun Owners, we want our children to learn that a firearm is NOT a toy or a video game. If you are a parent and a gun owner, it’s up to you to make sure your child(ren) understand the importance of treating a gun with respect. This class will kick-start your child’s introduction into responsible gun ownership.

The right and the freedom to own a firearm is not something to be taken lightly or with a complacent attitude.

Kids and parents attend class together. How fun is that?!?!

No children under 5 years old.

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Women's Self Defense
6:00 PM18:00

Women's Self Defense

This martial arts-based class provides the basics of practical and effective self-defense and situational awareness for everyday situations. We will include responses to various types of attacks covering the spectrum from verbal, to grabs, chokes, punches and weapons. These responses include hands-on training teaching lifesaving methods, techniques, and most importantly - mindset.

Students will not be involved in any fighting, grappling or wrestling on the floor. No previous training is required. This class is open to females ages 14 and over. (An adult must be present with minors).

Cost: $40.00

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Hot Shots!  Ladies Only
7:00 PM19:00

Hot Shots! Ladies Only

This class is for Ladies only. We talk firearm safety……..well, just about EVERYTHING firearm related and sometimes NOTHING firearm related. Hot Shots meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month. If you are looking for like-minded ladies in a no-pressure, no-judgement and no-drama environment, then Hot Shots is perfect for you! We all learn something new with a different topic every month relative to what’s going on in today’s changing world.

Both Tuesdays have the same subject matter so if you miss one or can’t make it to one Tuesday, then just come to the other Tuesday.


Cost $10 This includes classroom time, lane rental, ear protection, eye protection, target and long-lasting friendships.

Free to Members

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Basic AR
5:30 PM17:30

Basic AR

Welcome to Basic AR!

What exactly is the AR?

This class is perfect for beginners looking to explore the world of modern sporting rifles or experienced shooters who need a little more guidance and expertise in properly functioning and maintaining their firearm.

During this class, you will have the opportunity to learn about the history and functionality of MSR's, as well as receive hands-on instruction from experienced instructor on how to properly handle and shoot these firearms.

Come join us for a fun and educational experience at Cypress Creek Indoor Range. Don't miss out on this chance to learn about the Modern Sporting Rifle-MSR!


Students are required to bring their own rifle, which can be either a PCC or MSR platform with a minimum barrel length of 8 inches.

Rifle should be equipped with iron sights or an alternative sighting system such as a "Red Dot" sight, prismatic sight, LPVO, etc.

Additionally, the firearm must be chambered in an intermediate or pistol cartridge, such as 5.56/.223, 5.45x39, .300 BO, 7.62x39, 5.7x28, 9x19, 10mm, .40 S+W, or .45 ACP.

It is recommended to have a sling on the rifle for optimal performance.

Participants are required to bring a minimum of 2 standard capacity (20-30 round) unloaded magazines for the Basics class.

"On-Person" magazine pouches are highly recommended but pockets can suffice if necessary. Eye and ear protection

60 rounds of range ammunition being preferable.

Please refrain from loading your magazines before entering the classroom


Cost: $50

Students who have taken Basic AR are invited to continue AR 102 at a later date. AR 102 will consist of movement and shooting reactive targets while also identifying a threat. This class is a prerequisite to take the 102 class.

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Hot Shots!  Ladies Only
7:00 PM19:00

Hot Shots! Ladies Only

This class is for Ladies only. We talk firearm safety……..well, just about EVERYTHING firearm related. Hot Shots meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month. If you are looking for like-minded ladies in a no-pressure, no-judgement and no-drama environment, then Hot Shots is perfect for you! We all learn something new with a different topic every month relative to what’s going on in today’s changing world.

Both Tuesdays have the same subject matter so if you miss one or can’t make it to one Tuesday, then just come to the other Tuesday.


Cost $10 This includes classroom time, lane rental, ear protection, eye protection, target and long-lasting friendships.

Free to Members

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S.O.S.  Secure Our Seniors
11:00 AM11:00

S.O.S. Secure Our Seniors

  • Cypress Creek Indoor Range (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Having Situational Awareness can get you out of a lot of jams. This class will touch on scams and how they work to tug at your heart strings, especially for our grandparents. Our Greatest Generation should be aware of how criminals can work you into a crippling fear to give them your hard-earned dollars without you even knowing. Criminals can also take more of us than our money, such as, self-respect, security, sanity, mindfulness and just keep us from living our life because we are in fear of what could happen next.

We will touch on phone scams, physical environment scams and exactly what does the “bad guy” look for? Using your senses to evaluate what is around you and how to make the correct judgements.

Optional Extended Learning:

There will be a lesson on firearm safety and how to use a firearm correctly, safely and confidently. This will be an extension of the class should you decide to stay just a bit longer for this part of the class on the same day.

There will be a quick break in between the two parts to use the restroom, get a snack or just hang out with us and get to know your Cypress Creek Indoor Range Family.

Cost is FREE for the class time

Small charge for firearm training and range time.

$30 payable after class includes firearm and ammo

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Sig Sauer Range Event!
to Aug 31

Sig Sauer Range Event!

  • Cypress Creek Indoor Range (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Sig is Coming!! Cypress Creek Indoor Range is hosting a 2 day Sig Sauer Range Event. Friday evening at 7:00 p.m. will be an Exclusive Event with our Sig Reps talking about their products and what's new! Saturday from 10:00 to 4:00 will be a day of GiveAway’s, Door Prizes, Specials and a Gun GiveAway. Must make reservations to attend the Friday evening event.

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Concealed Carry Defensive Handgun-2 day class. Both nights start at 6:00 p.m.
to Jun 19

Concealed Carry Defensive Handgun-2 day class. Both nights start at 6:00 p.m.

  • Cypress Creek Indoor Range (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Choosing to carry a firearm for self-defense requires a certain mindset and a particular set of skills. Training is beneficial and, quite frankly, should be required before choosing to carry any kind of defensive tool, not just a gun! Carrying a firearm concealed without proper training can be exceedingly risky. Most concealed carry permit holders have not even thought about the legal or ethical responsibilities that come with carrying a firearm.

These are just some of the reasons to attend this advanced class. Concealed Carry Defensive Handgun is an ADVANCED class and NOT open for beginners. The class will have a VERY LIMITED roster and only to those that have shown themselves to be competent with a handgun. Practice is a must!


Must have Basic Handgun training before signing up.

• One on One Lesson

• Basic Handgun Class-such as S.N.A.P. or Handgun Marksmanship

• Survival For Women

Even then, it will be left to the instructors’ discretion for students to attend. Due to the nature of the content, CCIR must KNOW that you can handle your firearm safely and effectively.


• Focus on learning the correct and proper technique of drawing from holster safely, smoothly and effectively. Being able to draw your firearm efficiently and quickly could be the difference between life and death.

• When and IF it is necessary to use deadly force

• How to de-escalate a dangerous situation.

• Choosing the right holster for you.

• Incorporating movement and shooting skills

• Developing “muscle memory”


• A reliable firearm that YOU can conceal

• Ear Protection

• Eye Protection

• 100 rounds of Ammo

This is a 2 night class and will start promptly each night at 6:00 p.m.

COST: $100 for both nights

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Conceal Carry Defensive Handgun, 2-day Class, both nights start at 6:00 p.m.
to May 21

Conceal Carry Defensive Handgun, 2-day Class, both nights start at 6:00 p.m.

  • Cypress Creek Indoor Range (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Choosing to carry a firearm for self-defense requires a certain mindset and a particular set of skills. Training is beneficial and, quite frankly, should be required before choosing to carry any kind of defensive tool, not just a gun! Carrying a firearm concealed without proper training can be exceedingly risky. Most concealed carry permit holders have not even thought about the legal or ethical responsibilities that come with carrying a firearm.

These are just some of the reasons to attend this advanced class. Concealed Carry Defensive Handgun is an ADVANCED class and NOT open for beginners. The class will have a VERY LIMITED roster and only to those that have shown themselves to be competent with a handgun. Practice is a must!


Must have Basic Handgun training before signing up.

• One on One Lesson

• Basic Handgun Class-such as S.N.A.P. or Handgun Marksmanship

• Survival For Women

Even then, it will be left to the instructors’ discretion for students to attend. Due to the nature of the content, CCIR must KNOW that you can handle your firearm safely and effectively.


• Focus on learning the correct and proper technique of drawing from holster safely, smoothly and effectively. Being able to draw your firearm efficiently and quickly could be the difference between life and death.

• When and IF it is necessary to use deadly force

• How to de-escalate a dangerous situation.

• Choosing the right holster for you.

• Incorporating movement and shooting skills

• Developing “muscle memory”


• A reliable firearm that YOU can conceal

• Ear Protection

• Eye Protection

• 100 rounds of Ammo

This is a 2 night class and will start promptly each night at 6:00 p.m.

Cost: $100.00 for both nights

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GSSF Indoor Shooting Match
9:00 AM09:00

GSSF Indoor Shooting Match


Entry fee - $20 for one class and $15 for each additional class. Prizes are awarded for score over the series. Everyone who shoots in at least 2 of the 3 matches in a series are entered into a drawing for a new glock pistol.

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SNAP!  Starting NEW At Pistols
6:00 PM18:00

SNAP! Starting NEW At Pistols

S.N.A.P., Starting New AT Pistols, is the perfect first step for ANYONE wanting to enter the world of firearms. Our expert, patient and relatable instructors have, at one time, been right where you are…….the beginning. We prioritize safety above all else! With thorough instruction of firearm safety, we want to instill the importance of responsible firearm ownership. With our state-of-the-art facilities and a supportive learning environment, you’ll quickly gain the confidence and competence to handle a pistol effectively and safely.

We start with classroom instruction then spend time on the range putting into practice what was learned in class.

Cost: $50

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Concealed Carry Defensive Handgun-2 day class. Both nights start at 6:00 p.m.
to Apr 30

Concealed Carry Defensive Handgun-2 day class. Both nights start at 6:00 p.m.

  • Cypress Creek Indoor Range (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Choosing to carry a firearm for self-defense requires a certain mindset and a particular set of skills. Training is beneficial and, quite frankly, should be required before choosing to carry any kind of defensive tool, not just a gun! Carrying a firearm concealed without proper training can be exceedingly risky. Most concealed carry permit holders have not even thought about the legal or ethical responsibilities that come with carrying a firearm.

These are just some of the reasons to attend this advanced class. Concealed Carry Defensive Handgun is an ADVANCED class and NOT open for beginners. The class will have a VERY LIMITED roster and only to those that have shown themselves to be competent with a handgun. Practice is a must!


Must have Basic Handgun training before signing up.

• One on One Lesson

• Basic Handgun Class-such as S.N.A.P. or Handgun Marksmanship

• Survival For Women

Even then, it will be left to the instructors’ discretion for students to attend. Due to the nature of the content, CCIR must KNOW that you can handle your firearm safely and effectively.


• Focus on learning the correct and proper technique of drawing from holster safely, smoothly and effectively. Being able to draw your firearm efficiently and quickly could be the difference between life and death.

• When and IF it is necessary to use deadly force

• How to de-escalate a dangerous situation.

• Choosing the right holster for you.

• Incorporating movement and shooting skills

• Developing “muscle memory”

Tools required:

• A reliable firearm that YOU can conceal

• Ear Protection

• Eye Protection

• 100 rounds of Ammo

This is a 2 night class. Each night we will start promptly 6:00 p.m.

Cost: $100 for both classes

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